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Evening Standard
Founded in 1827, the Evening Standard is London's most iconic news brand and the UK's largest quality daily. Recognised as setting the agenda in politics and business, as well as being first with major news and sports stories, the brand reaches a total of 18 million cross-platform readers a month.
Daily Mail
MailOnline, plus it's local US and Australian versions are owned by DMG Media, an intermediate holding company for Associated Newspapers.
The MailOnline plus Daily Mail websites in the US and Australia have a combined global reach in excess of 191m visits per month, making it the most widely-read newspaper website in the world.
Irish Times
The Irish Times has delivered top quality news, opinion and analysis since it was first published in 1859. As media technologies evolve, so do our methods of storytelling and delivery. The Irish Times continues the transition from print to multiplatform publication, while upholding the journalistic principles that earned it the reputation as Ireland’s paper of reference.
The Sun
The Sun.co.uk is the online edition of The Sun, Britain’s largest newspaper and a member of the UK’s press regulator, IPSO.
The Sun was launched in 1969 with the slogan “forward with the people,” because that is what we believe in.
The Sun is published by News Group Newspapers, part of News UK & Ireland Ltd.

Mirror Sport
Mirror.co.uk is the online edition of The Mirror, one of Britain’s most trusted news brands.
Since 1903 we have brought words and pictures from the most important world events to millions of readers both in print and, more recently, online.
We are committed to reporting the news accurately and with energy and vigour.

The Metro
At Metro.co.uk, you can join the 57 million unique visitors a month (ABCs, November 2019) in enjoying a new way of thinking when it comes to a news site.
The content is written for and reaches a young, mobile-savvy metropolitan audience. In the UK, audiences are larger than those for Reddit, Buzzfeed, Vice, LadBibleGroup, UniLad or Joe.co.uk.
Irish Mirror
Irishmirror.ie is the digital voice and online edition of the Irish Daily Mirror newspaper.
Launched in 1997, the Irish Mirror has become the very clear voice of working class people in the ROI campaigning for better pay, better working conditions, better education for everyone and a better health service for all in both print and online.